Cooerwull Public School

Safe Respectful Responsible Learners

Telephone02 6351 3106

Kindy 2025

Enquiries for Kindy 2025 can be directed to our Infants office on 02 6352 5053.

Enrolments are being taken online by clicking on the enrolment button from the home screen of this website.

Ready Set Go will commence in Term 4 and will run for 4 weeks.

Students will be placed into a session and information emailed to families who have a student enroled for 2025.  Please note, only students who are enroled for 2025 are able to join in this fabulous program. 

Ready Set Go includes: 

  • Introduction to the classroom including mini lessons
  • Outside activities
  • Craft
  • Introduction to school staff
  • Tour of the school

Children attending Ready Set Go do not need to bring anything with them except a hat and a water bottle.  Please dress your child in comfortable clothing that covers their shoulders, closed in shoes and ensure hat and drink bottle are labeled with your child's name.